Flynn Club Winner 2014!!!
On november 23th we were present at the Champion Clubmatch of the Dutch Cairn Terrier Club with three of our Cairns.
Red Creek Rebels Fabulous Flynn,
Red Creek Rebels Russian Affaire (Zina) and
Red Creek Rebels Love Me Tender (Puk).
115 Cairn Terriers were entered.
Red Creek Rebels Fabulous Flynn started in Junior Class (10 males). Judge Ian Shaw placed him first with an Excellent. Back in the ring Flynn became Best Male! And … on top of that Flynn became Best Of Breed and so Club Winner 2014. So proud of this young boy of 10,5 months 🙂
Best Male
Best Of Breed / Club Winner 2014 Red Creek Rebels Fabulous Flynn on the right BOS Vale of Atholl’s Bessie McIntyre
All Winners in a row …
No words needed … Soooo happy!!!
Zina got an Excellent in a big (12) Junior Class Females.
Puk got 1st Place in Intermediate Class Females (12)
A special thank you to Ian Shaw and Amy Firth for their trust and of course for the lovely presents!
What an marvelous day to end our show-year 2014!!!